




Discover TRAC.CLOUD®


TRAC.CLOUD® is a complete management solution for the specific needs of learning, writing, tutoring, academic skills and other centers that support students in higher education. As a cloud-based application, TRAC.CLOUD® provides on-demand access to essential tools such as appointment scheduling, logging visits and activity reports. Contacts are recorded in any physical or online environment. Appointments and schedules are managed and accessed on multiple criteria. Integration with campus information systems can link course enrollments and other critical data.

What Our Customers Are Saying

"TutorTrac has been great in responding to our occasional needs, and I appreciate their willingness to help us with customizations. With the help of Kelly and the gang at Redrock, we’ve been able to create tools with our TutorTrac product that we would never have been able to get our campus IT people to touch. Now that many of these tools have become institutionalized, even our IT people are giving TutorTrac kudos."

DJ Teichert, Brigham Young University — Idaho

"We began using TutorTrac years ago after trying to manage all of our activities first on paper, then using spreadsheets and a database, and finally a home-grown software solution. There was a lot of time spent (wasted) manually inputting data, crunching numbers, and creating reports from scratch. TutorTrac has automated or streamlined most of those activities, and now I can’t imagine how we were managing before adopting TutorTrac."

Bruce Epps, Capital University

What Our Customers Are Saying

"TutorTrac has been great in responding to our occasional needs, and I appreciate their willingness to help us with customizations. With the help of Kelly and the gang at Redrock, we’ve been able to create tools with our TutorTrac product that we would never have been able to get our campus IT people to touch. Now that many of these tools have become institutionalized, even our IT people are giving TutorTrac kudos."

DJ Teichert, Brigham Young University — Idaho

"We began using TutorTrac years ago after trying to manage all of our activities first on paper, then using spreadsheets and a database, and finally a home-grown software solution. There was a lot of time spent (wasted) manually inputting data, crunching numbers, and creating reports from scratch. TutorTrac has automated or streamlined most of those activities, and now I can’t imagine how we were managing before adopting TutorTrac."

Bruce Epps, Capital University
Trac Systems | Trac.cloud






  • record a student's visit the moment it happens and capture critical data immediately, reducing errors and overhead

  • allow students to request an appointment with a consultant, tutor, advisor – anyone that can help the student

  • run reports that summarize or detail the who, what, when, how and why. Use that data to analyze what and when resources are needed

  • Campus success is determined by student success. Student success determines success in life!